An analog of desoxycorticosterone which is substituted by a hydroxyl group at the C-18 position.
The practice of caring for individuals in the community, rather than in an institutional environment with resultant effects on the individual, the individual's family, the community, and the health care system.
The process by which a person or group of persons comes to be regarded or treated as lacking in human qualities.
Insects of the family Formicidae, very common and widespread, probably the most successful of all the insect groups. All ants are social insects, and most colonies contain three castes, queens, males, and workers. Their habits are often very elaborate and a great many studies have been made of ant behavior. Ants produce a number of secretions that function in offense, defense, and communication. (From Borror, et al., An Introduction to the Study of Insects, 4th ed, p676)
Special hospitals which provide care to the mentally ill patient.
People who frequently change their place of residence.
People who leave their place of residence in one country and settle in a different country.
A group of telomere associated proteins that interact with TRF1 PROTEIN, contain ANKYRIN REPEATS and have poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity.