• Based on two emblematic case studies drawn from interviews carried out with rural couples over sixty years old from the state of Oaxaca, the paper questions the effects of the binational administrative and legal framework on the care practices of the sick or deceased elderly migrant by his spouse, and on the choice of the migrant's end-of-life place. (erudit.org)
  • Each module covers a specific topic : 1. (unine.ch)
  • The other yearly issue proposes a more particular topic, or focuses on a specific writer, and international specialists are invited to contribute. (openedition.org)
  • We repeated the exercise, with the same question and the same topic, but this time exclusively with participants of a specific cultural group. (adhoc-recherche.com)
  • Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants. (sciensano.be)
  • These studies open the door to new research that has yet to be explored. (grenoble-em.com)
  • Additionally, my Bachelor studies have given me a better insight into Spanish structures and grammatical mechanisms. (classgap.com)
  • In almost all quantitative studies, the final sample is weighted to better account for the population it seeks to represent. (adhoc-recherche.com)
  • Commonwealth Essays and Studies is journal of criticism devoted to the study of postcolonial literatures, in all periods and genres. (openedition.org)
  • Three studies were carried out in 2018: the first study used a panel of 85 young adults, the second relied upon 105 students, and the third surveyed 123 people in their twenties. (grenoble-em.com)
  • The shortcomings identified relate to the low recovery and lack of evaluation of pharmacovigilance data, the scarcity of site inspections and especially the absence of a technical committee for regulatory evaluation of files at the Pharmacy and Medicines Department (DPM). (bvsalud.org)
  • DIMENSION ÉCONOMIQUE: Analyse d'efficience: Au prix soumis, GlassiaMC permettrait des économies de XX $ par semaine comparativement à Prolastin-CMC, dont l'efficience n'a pas été évaluée avant cette présente évaluation. (bvsalud.org)
  • FR : Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la littérature qui analyse les performances des administrations de recettes semi-autonomes (SARAs) dans les pays en développement. (uca.fr)
  • Le réseau Sciences des Plantes de Saclay (SPS, www.saclayplantsciences.fr ) offre des bourses de vie pour les étudiant(e)s inscrit(e)s dans les formations de son périmètre, incluant le programme de master Biologie Intégrative et Physiologie « Sciences du Végétal » (M1 et/ou M2) de l'Université Paris-Saclay. (universite-paris-saclay.fr)
  • L'INESSS a réalisé les évaluations des produits ProlastinMC-C Liquid, ZemairaMC et GlassiaMC, tous des alpha1-antitrypsine plasmatiques humains, en simultané. (bvsalud.org)
  • AudioLearn's Medical School Crash Courses support your studies, help with USMLE preparation, and provide a comprehensive audio review of the topic matter for anyone interested in what medical students are taught in a typical medical school hematology course. (audible.fr)
  • Three times a year, Tracés brings together authors from a variety of disciplines to discuss a topic or a common issue that cuts across the human and social sciences. (openedition.org)
  • Consortiums - Règlement d'exemption par catégorie - Evaluation La Commission européenne lance un appel à contributions afim d'arbitrer quant à t'avenir du règlement d'exemption des accords de coopération des compagnies maritimes assurant des services de transport de marchandises de ligne (9 aoât 2022. (cade.gov.br)
  • Commonwealth Essays and Studies 28.2 ("Derek Walcott") is an exceptional issue devoted to the poetic works of Derek Walcott, winner of the 1992 Nobel Prize for Literature. (openedition.org)