Anemia characterized by appearance of immature myeloid and nucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood, resulting from infiltration of the bone marrow by foreign or abnormal tissue.
A reduction in the number of circulating ERYTHROCYTES or in the quantity of HEMOGLOBIN.
A form of anemia in which the bone marrow fails to produce adequate numbers of peripheral blood elements.
A condition of inadequate circulating red blood cells (ANEMIA) or insufficient HEMOGLOBIN due to premature destruction of red blood cells (ERYTHROCYTES).
Congenital disorder affecting all bone marrow elements, resulting in ANEMIA; LEUKOPENIA; and THROMBOPENIA, and associated with cardiac, renal, and limb malformations as well as dermal pigmentary changes. Spontaneous CHROMOSOME BREAKAGE is a feature of this disease along with predisposition to LEUKEMIA. There are at least 7 complementation groups in Fanconi anemia: FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, FANCD1, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG, and FANCL. (from Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man,, August 20, 2004)
Acquired hemolytic anemia due to the presence of AUTOANTIBODIES which agglutinate or lyse the patient's own RED BLOOD CELLS.
Anemia characterized by a decrease in the ratio of the weight of hemoglobin to the volume of the erythrocyte, i.e., the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration is less than normal. The individual cells contain less hemoglobin than they could have under optimal conditions. Hypochromic anemia may be caused by iron deficiency from a low iron intake, diminished iron absorption, or excessive iron loss. It can also be caused by infections or other diseases, therapeutic drugs, lead poisoning, and other conditions. (Stedman, 25th ed; from Miale, Laboratory Medicine: Hematology, 6th ed, p393)
Conditions which cause proliferation of hemopoietically active tissue or of tissue which has embryonic hemopoietic potential. They all involve dysregulation of multipotent MYELOID PROGENITOR CELLS, most often caused by a mutation in the JAK2 PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASE.
A de novo myeloproliferation arising from an abnormal stem cell. It is characterized by the replacement of bone marrow by fibrous tissue, a process that is mediated by CYTOKINES arising from the abnormal clone.
The formation and development of blood cells outside the BONE MARROW, as in the SPLEEN; LIVER; or LYMPH NODES.
Works containing information articles on subjects in every field of knowledge, usually arranged in alphabetical order, or a similar work limited to a special field or subject. (From The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983)
The soft tissue filling the cavities of bones. Bone marrow exists in two types, yellow and red. Yellow marrow is found in the large cavities of large bones and consists mostly of fat cells and a few primitive blood cells. Red marrow is a hematopoietic tissue and is the site of production of erythrocytes and granular leukocytes. Bone marrow is made up of a framework of connective tissue containing branching fibers with the frame being filled with marrow cells.
A myeloproliferative disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by abnormal proliferation of all hematopoietic bone marrow elements and an absolute increase in red cell mass and total blood volume, associated frequently with splenomegaly, leukocytosis, and thrombocythemia. Hematopoiesis is also reactive in extramedullary sites (liver and spleen). In time myelofibrosis occurs.

High number of circulating CD34+ cells in patients with myelophthisis. (1/10)

Six patients with bone marrow micrometastases from solid cancers presented with increased numbers of circulating CD34+ cells; the CD34+ cell counts were very high in some cases. By contrast, no patient with metastatic cancer without bone marrow involvement showed raised numbers of circulating hemopoietic progenitors.  (+info)

Premature labor and leukoerythroblastosis in a newborn with parvovirus B19 infection. (2/10)

Leukoerythroblastosis is a rarely observed disease characterized by the presence of leukocytosis, erythroid and myeloid blast cells in peripheral blood. To our knowledge, it had not been diagnosed in a premature newborn before the case we report have.A female baby weighing 1164 grams, who was born prematurely at the 29th week of gestation by Cesarean section was referred to our newborn intensive care unit due to prematurity and respiratory distress with no prenatal pathological findings. Physical examination revealed tachypnea and hepatosplenomegaly. Routine laboratory measurements showed significant leukocytosis (85,000/mm3) and anemia (Hb: 9.6 g/dL and Hct: 27.6%). The platelet count was normal. The peripheral blood smear suggested leukoerythroblastosis with the presence of nucleated erythrocytes, monocytosis, and 4% blasts. Bone marrow cytogenetic examination was normal. Parvovirus B19 Ig G and M serology were detected to be positive. The etiological factors observed in leukoerythroblastosis occurring during neonatal and early childhood period are congenital-postnatal viral infections, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and osteopetrosis. To our knowledge, no case of leukoerythroblastosis in such an early phase has been reported in the in literature. As a result, premature delivery and leukoerythroblastosis were thought to have developed secondary to intrauterine parvovirus B19 infection. Leukoerythroblastosis is a rarely observed disease characterized by the presence of leukocytosis, erythroid and myeloid blast cells in peripheral blood. It is reported that it can be observed following hematologic malignancies especially juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, acute infections, hemolytic anemia, osteopetrosis, myelofibrosis, neuroblastoma and taking certain medicines. To our knowledge, it has not been diagnosed in a premature newborn before. Here we the case of a newborn who was referred to our intensive care unit due to being born prematurely at the 29th week of gestation and diagnosed with leukoerythroblastosis.  (+info)

Lenalidomide therapy in myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia. (3/10)

We present results of 2 similarly designed but separate phase 2 studies involving single-agent lenalidomide (CC-5013, Revlimid) in a total of 68 patients with symptomatic myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (MMM). Protocol treatment consisted of oral lenalidomide at 10 mg/d (5 mg/d if baseline platelet count < 100 x 10(9)/L) for 3 to 4 months with a plan to continue treatment for either 3 or 24 additional months, in case of response. Overall response rates were 22% for anemia, 33% for splenomegaly, and 50% for thrombocytopenia. Response in anemia was deemed impressive in 8 patients whose hemoglobin level normalized from a baseline of either transfusion dependency or hemoglobin level lower than 100 g/L. Additional treatment effects in these patients included resolution of leukoerythroblastosis (4 patients), a decrease in medullary fibrosis and angiogenesis (2 patients), and del(5)(q13q33) cytogenetic remission accompanied by a reduction in JAK2(V617F) mutation burden (1 patient). Grade 3 or 4 adverse events included neutropenia (31%) and thrombocytopenia (19%). We conclude that lenalidomide engenders an intriguing treatment activity in a subset of patients with MMM that includes an unprecedented effect on peripheral blood and bone marrow abnormalities.  (+info)

Effects of weiganli on the hemopoietic function of the myelosuppressed anemic mice. (4/10)

OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of weiganli ([Chinese characters: see text]) on bone marrow hemopoiesis. METHODS: The effects of weiganli on the peripheral blood picture and the number of bone marrow nucleated cells (BMCs) were observed in myelosuppressed anemic model mice, and the effects of weiganli on the growth of colony forming unit-granulocyte macrophage (CFU-GM), colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E), burst forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E), colony forming unit-megkaryocyte (CFU-Meg) were investigated by in vitro cell culture technique. The hemopoietic stem cells (HSCs, c-kit+) in bone marrow were double stained with fluorescent antibody PE-C-Kit and FITC-CD45, and the HSCs (c-kit+) were counted by flow cytometer with CD45/SSC (side scatter) gating. RESULTS: Peripheral blood cell counts and the number of BMCs were significantly improved after weiganli administration; and bone marrow hemopoietic stem/progenitor cells were significantly increased. CONCLUSION: Weiganli can effectively promote the recovery of hemopoietic function in the myelosuppressed anemic mice.  (+info)

Transient leukoerythroblastosis in a very low birth weight infant with parvovirus B19 infection. (5/10)


An unusual case of pycnodysostosis. (6/10)

A 6 year old boy with clinical and radiological features of pycnodysostosis is described. In addition to pycnodysostosis he had a myelophthisic type of anaemia suggesting an overlap with osteopetrosis.  (+info)

Normoblasts in peripheral blood of Nigerians: their clinical significance. (7/10)

The clinical conditions associated with peripheral blood nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) in Nigerians were investigated prospectively to define them and establish their mortality. Of the 4,565 differential counts carried out within ten months, NRBC were detected in 120 cases (2.6 percent). Of these, severe nutritional anemia was seen in 64.4 percent, sickle cell anemia in 23.8 percent, neonatal status in 7.6 percent; and malignant diseases in 4.2 percent. Leukoerythroblastosis occurred in 11 percent. The overall mortality was 4.2 percent, and among those with congestive cardiac failure, there was no fatality. These results show that malignancy is not a major cause of normoblasts in peripheral blood in this environment and that the prognosis is not as poor as has been reported in some North American and European literature.  (+info)

Coeliac disease presenting with a leuco-erythroblastic anaemia. (8/10)

A 49-year-old Irishman presented as an emergency with watery diarrhoea and a leuco-erythroblastic anaemia. Investigations showed that he had coeliac disease but no evidence of bone marrow infiltration. His leuco-erythroblastic picture disappeared on treatment with iron and folic acid.  (+info)

Myelophthisic anemia is a type of anemia that occurs when the bone marrow becomes replaced or damaged by fibrosis, tumor infiltration, or other disorders, leading to decreased production of blood cells. This results in a decrease in all three types of blood cells - red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

The symptoms of myelophthisic anemia may include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, frequent infections, and easy bruising or bleeding. The diagnosis is typically made through a combination of medical history, physical examination, complete blood count (CBC), and bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. Treatment for myelophthisic anemia depends on the underlying cause and may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, or supportive care with transfusions of red blood cells or platelets.

Anemia is a medical condition characterized by a lower than normal number of red blood cells or lower than normal levels of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is an important protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and a pale complexion because the body's tissues are not getting enough oxygen.

Anemia can be caused by various factors, including nutritional deficiencies (such as iron, vitamin B12, or folate deficiency), blood loss, chronic diseases (such as kidney disease or rheumatoid arthritis), inherited genetic disorders (such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia), and certain medications.

There are different types of anemia, classified based on the underlying cause, size and shape of red blood cells, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Treatment for anemia depends on the underlying cause and may include dietary changes, supplements, medication, or blood transfusions.

Aplastic anemia is a medical condition characterized by pancytopenia (a decrease in all three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) due to the failure of bone marrow to produce new cells. It is called "aplastic" because the bone marrow becomes hypocellular or "aplastic," meaning it contains few or no blood-forming stem cells.

The condition can be acquired or inherited, with acquired aplastic anemia being more common. Acquired aplastic anemia can result from exposure to toxic chemicals, radiation, drugs, viral infections, or autoimmune disorders. Inherited forms of the disease include Fanconi anemia and dyskeratosis congenita.

Symptoms of aplastic anemia may include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, frequent infections, and fever. Treatment options for aplastic anemia depend on the severity of the condition and its underlying cause. They may include blood transfusions, immunosuppressive therapy, and stem cell transplantation.

Hemolytic anemia is a type of anemia that occurs when red blood cells are destroyed (hemolysis) faster than they can be produced. Red blood cells are essential for carrying oxygen throughout the body. When they are destroyed, hemoglobin and other cellular components are released into the bloodstream, which can lead to complications such as kidney damage and gallstones.

Hemolytic anemia can be inherited or acquired. Inherited forms of the condition may result from genetic defects that affect the structure or function of red blood cells. Acquired forms of hemolytic anemia can be caused by various factors, including infections, medications, autoimmune disorders, and certain medical conditions such as cancer or blood disorders.

Symptoms of hemolytic anemia may include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, pale skin, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), dark urine, and a rapid heartbeat. Treatment for hemolytic anemia depends on the underlying cause and may include medications, blood transfusions, or surgery.

Fanconi anemia is a rare, inherited disorder that affects the body's ability to produce healthy blood cells. It is characterized by bone marrow failure, congenital abnormalities, and an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. The condition is caused by mutations in genes responsible for repairing damaged DNA, leading to chromosomal instability and cell death.

The classic form of Fanconi anemia (type A) is typically diagnosed in childhood and is associated with various physical abnormalities such as short stature, skin pigmentation changes, thumb and radial ray anomalies, kidney and genitourinary malformations, and developmental delays. Other types of Fanconi anemia (B-G) may have different clinical presentations but share the common feature of bone marrow failure and cancer predisposition.

Bone marrow failure in Fanconi anemia results in decreased production of all three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This can lead to anemia (low red blood cell count), neutropenia (low white blood cell count), and thrombocytopenia (low platelet count). These conditions increase the risk of infections, fatigue, and bleeding.

Individuals with Fanconi anemia have a significantly higher risk of developing various types of cancer, particularly acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and solid tumors such as squamous cell carcinomas of the head, neck, esophagus, and anogenital region.

Treatment for Fanconi anemia typically involves managing symptoms related to bone marrow failure, such as transfusions, growth factors, and antibiotics. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the only curative treatment option for bone marrow failure but carries risks of its own, including graft-versus-host disease and transplant-related mortality. Regular cancer surveillance is essential due to the increased risk of malignancies in these patients.

Hemolytic anemia, autoimmune is a type of anemia characterized by the premature destruction of red blood cells (RBCs) in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys its own RBCs. This occurs when the body produces autoantibodies that bind to the surface of RBCs, leading to their rupture (hemolysis). The symptoms may include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and dark colored urine. The diagnosis is made through blood tests that measure the number and size of RBCs, reticulocyte count, and the presence of autoantibodies. Treatment typically involves suppressing the immune system with medications such as corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs, and sometimes removal of the spleen (splenectomy) may be necessary.

Hypochromic anemia is a type of anemia characterized by the presence of red blood cells that have lower than normal levels of hemoglobin and appear paler in color than normal. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. In hypochromic anemia, there may be a decrease in the production or increased destruction of red blood cells, leading to a reduced number of red blood cells and insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues.

Hypochromic anemia can result from various underlying medical conditions, including iron deficiency, thalassemia, chronic inflammation, lead poisoning, and certain infections or chronic diseases. Treatment for hypochromic anemia depends on the underlying cause and may include iron supplements, dietary changes, medications, or blood transfusions.

Myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs) are a group of rare, chronic blood cancers that originate from the abnormal proliferation or growth of one or more types of blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. These disorders result in an overproduction of mature but dysfunctional blood cells, which can lead to serious complications such as blood clots, bleeding, and organ damage.

There are several subtypes of MPDs, including:

1. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML): A disorder characterized by the overproduction of mature granulocytes (a type of white blood cell) in the bone marrow, leading to an increased number of these cells in the blood. CML is caused by a genetic mutation that results in the formation of the BCR-ABL fusion protein, which drives uncontrolled cell growth and division.
2. Polycythemia Vera (PV): A disorder characterized by the overproduction of all three types of blood cells - red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets - in the bone marrow. This can lead to an increased risk of blood clots, bleeding, and enlargement of the spleen.
3. Essential Thrombocythemia (ET): A disorder characterized by the overproduction of platelets in the bone marrow, leading to an increased risk of blood clots and bleeding.
4. Primary Myelofibrosis (PMF): A disorder characterized by the replacement of normal bone marrow tissue with scar tissue, leading to impaired blood cell production and anemia, enlargement of the spleen, and increased risk of infections and bleeding.
5. Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia (CNL): A rare disorder characterized by the overproduction of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) in the bone marrow, leading to an increased number of these cells in the blood. CNL can lead to an increased risk of infections and organ damage.

MPDs are typically treated with a combination of therapies, including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplantation. The choice of treatment depends on several factors, including the subtype of MPD, the patient's age and overall health, and the presence of any comorbidities.

Primary myelofibrosis (PMF) is a rare, chronic bone marrow disorder characterized by the replacement of normal bone marrow tissue with fibrous scar tissue, leading to impaired production of blood cells. This results in cytopenias (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), which can cause fatigue, infection susceptibility, and bleeding tendencies. Additionally, PMF is often accompanied by the proliferation of abnormal megakaryocytes (large, atypical bone marrow cells that produce platelets) and extramedullary hematopoiesis (blood cell formation outside the bone marrow, typically in the spleen and liver).

PMF is a type of myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN), which is a group of clonal stem cell disorders characterized by excessive proliferation of one or more types of blood cells. PMF can present with various symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, abdominal discomfort due to splenomegaly (enlarged spleen), and bone pain. In some cases, PMF may progress to acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

The exact cause of PMF remains unclear; however, genetic mutations are known to play a significant role in its development. The Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), calreticulin (CALR), and MPL genes have been identified as commonly mutated in PMF patients. These genetic alterations contribute to the dysregulated production of blood cells and the activation of signaling pathways that promote fibrosis.

Diagnosis of PMF typically involves a combination of clinical evaluation, complete blood count (CBC), bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, cytogenetic analysis, and molecular testing to identify genetic mutations. Treatment options depend on the individual patient's symptoms, risk stratification, and disease progression. They may include observation, supportive care, medications to manage symptoms and control the disease (such as JAK inhibitors), and stem cell transplantation for eligible patients.

Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) is defined as the production of blood cells outside of the bone marrow in adults. In normal physiological conditions, hematopoiesis occurs within the bone marrow cavities of flat bones such as the pelvis, ribs, skull, and vertebrae. However, certain disease states or conditions can cause EMH to occur in various organs such as the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and peripheral blood.

EMH can be seen in several pathological conditions, including hematologic disorders such as myeloproliferative neoplasms (e.g., polycythemia vera, essential thrombocytopenia), myelodysplastic syndromes, and leukemias. It can also occur in response to bone marrow failure or infiltration by malignant cells, as well as in some non-hematologic disorders such as fibrocystic disease of the breast and congenital hemolytic anemias.

EMH may lead to organ enlargement, dysfunction, and clinical symptoms depending on the site and extent of involvement. Treatment of EMH is generally directed at managing the underlying condition causing it.

An encyclopedia is a comprehensive reference work containing articles on various topics, usually arranged in alphabetical order. In the context of medicine, a medical encyclopedia is a collection of articles that provide information about a wide range of medical topics, including diseases and conditions, treatments, tests, procedures, and anatomy and physiology. Medical encyclopedias may be published in print or electronic formats and are often used as a starting point for researching medical topics. They can provide reliable and accurate information on medical subjects, making them useful resources for healthcare professionals, students, and patients alike. Some well-known examples of medical encyclopedias include the Merck Manual and the Stedman's Medical Dictionary.

Bone marrow is the spongy tissue found inside certain bones in the body, such as the hips, thighs, and vertebrae. It is responsible for producing blood-forming cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow, which is involved in blood cell production, and yellow marrow, which contains fatty tissue.

Red bone marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells, which can differentiate into various types of blood cells. These stem cells continuously divide and mature to produce new blood cells that are released into the circulation. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, white blood cells help fight infections, and platelets play a crucial role in blood clotting.

Bone marrow also serves as a site for immune cell development and maturation. It contains various types of immune cells, such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells, which help protect the body against infections and diseases.

Abnormalities in bone marrow function can lead to several medical conditions, including anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and various types of cancer, such as leukemia and multiple myeloma. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are common diagnostic procedures used to evaluate bone marrow health and function.

Polycythemia Vera is a type of myeloproliferative neoplasm, a group of rare blood cancers. In Polycythemia Vera, the body produces too many red blood cells, leading to an increased risk of blood clots and thickening of the blood, which can cause various symptoms such as fatigue, headache, dizziness, and itching. It can also lead to enlargement of the spleen. The exact cause of Polycythemia Vera is not known, but it is associated with genetic mutations in the JAK2 gene in most cases. It is a progressive disease that can lead to complications such as bleeding, thrombosis, and transformation into acute leukemia if left untreated.

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