A plant genus of the family OLEACEAE. Members contain secoiridoid glucosides.
A plant family of the order Urticales, subclass Hamamelidae, class Magnoliopsida. Members are trees and shrubs of temperate regions that have watery sap and alternate leaves which are lopsided at the base. The flowers lack petals.
A plant genus of the family JUGLANDACEAE that bears edible nuts.
A plant genus of the family CUPRESSACEAE. Cypress ordinarily refers to this but also forms part of the name of plants in other genera.
A plant genus of the family BETULACEAE. The tree has smooth, resinous, varicolored or white bark, marked by horizontal pores (lenticels), which usually peels horizontally in thin sheets.
A plant family of the order Lamiales. The leaves are usually opposite and the flowers usually have four sepals, four petals, two stamens, and two fused carpels that form a single superior ovary.
The fertilizing element of plants that contains the male GAMETOPHYTES.
Woody, usually tall, perennial higher plants (Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, and some Pterophyta) having usually a main stem and numerous branches.

Effect of ethanol extracts of three Chinese medicinal plants with anti-diarrheal properties on ion transport of the rat intestinal epithelia. (1/35)

Effects of ethanol extracts of three Chinese medicinal plants, namely, Qinpi (Fraxini cortex), Kushen (Sophora flavescens, AITON), and Huanglian (Coptis teeta, WALLICH), on ion transport of the rat intestinal epithelia were determined in this study. Rat intestinal epithelia mounted in an Ussing chamber attached to a voltage/current clamp were used for measuring changes in the short circuit current across the epithelia. Activation of the intestinal epithelia by serosal administration of 5 microM forskolin resulted in an increase in basal short circuit current. The ethanol extracts of each of the three plants partially reduced the current stimulated by forskolin. In the following experiments, ouabain and bumetanide were added prior to adding the ethanol extract of these plants for revealing their effect on Na(+) and Cl(-) movement. The results suggest that the ethanol extract of the Qinpi would affect Cl(-) transport. On the contrary, the ethanol extract of Kushen would affect Na(+) transport rather than Cl(-) movement. This study provides evidences that reveal the pharmacological mechanism of the Chinese plants with anti-diarrheal properties.  (+info)

Evidence of hominin control of fire at Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Israel. (2/35)

The presence of burned seeds, wood, and flint at the Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov in Israel is suggestive of the control of fire by humans nearly 790,000 years ago. The distribution of the site's small burned flint fragments suggests that burning occurred in specific spots, possibly indicating hearth locations. Wood of six taxa was burned at the site, at least three of which are edible--live, wild barley, and wild grape.  (+info)

Changes in pit membrane porosity due to deflection and stretching: the role of vestured pits. (3/35)

The effect of increasing pressure difference (DeltaP) on intervessel pit membrane porosity was studied in two angiosperm tree species with differing pit architecture. Fraxinus americana L. possesses typical angiosperm bordered pit structure while Sophora japonica L. exhibits well-developed vestures in intervessel pit chambers. It was hypothesized (a) that large DeltaP across intervessel pits would cause the deflection of pit membranes in the stems of F. americana resulting in significant increases in porosity and thus lower cavitation thresholds, and (b) that the presence of vestures would prevent the deflection of pit membranes in S. japonica. To determine if the porosity of pit membranes increased under mechanical stress, suspensions of colloidal gold, 5 nm and 20 nm in diameter, were perfused across intervessel pit membranes at DeltaP ranging from 0.25 MPa to 6.0 MPa. The effect of increasing DeltaP on membrane porosity was also tested by comparing air seeding thresholds (Pa) in stems perfused with water or a solution with lower surface tension. Air seeding and colloidal gold experiments indicated that pit membrane porosity increased significantly with DeltaP in F. americana. In S. japonica, increases in permeability to colloidal gold with DeltaP were small and maximum pore diameters predicted from Pa were independent of DeltaP, suggesting that vestures limited the degree to which the membrane can be deflected from the centre of the pit cavity. This provides the first experimental evidence that vestures reduce the probability of air seeding through pit membranes.  (+info)

Paternal effects on functional gender account for cryptic dioecy in a perennial plant. (4/35)

Natural selection operates on the mating strategies of hermaphrodites through their functional gender, i.e. their relative success as male versus female parents. Because functional gender will tend to be strongly influenced by sex allocation, it is often estimated in plants by counting seeds and pollen grains. However, a plant's functional gender must also depend on the fate of the seeds and pollen grains it produces. We provide clear evidence of a paternal effect on the functional gender of a plant that is independent of the resources invested in pollen. In the Mediterranean tree Fraxinus ornus, males coexist with hermaphrodites that disperse viable pollen and that sire seeds; the population would thus appear to be functionally androdioecious. However, we found that seedlings sired by hermaphrodites grew significantly less well than those sired by males, suggesting that hermaphrodites may be functionally less male than they seem. The observed 1 : 1 sex ratios in F. ornus, which have hitherto been difficult to explain in the light of the seed-siring ability of hermaphrodites, support our interpretation that this species is cryptically dioecious. Our results underscore the importance of considering progeny quality when estimating gender, and caution against inferring androdioecy on the basis of a siring ability of hermaphrodites alone.  (+info)

Effective seed dispersal across a fragmented landscape. (5/35)

The role of seed dispersal in maintaining genetic connectivity among forest fragments has largely been ignored because gene flow by pollen is expected to predominate. By using genealogical reconstruction, we investigated gene flow after establishment of seeds in a wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed tree. Our data show that seed dispersal is the main vector of gene flow among remnants and that long-distance dispersal is common across a chronically fragmented landscape. The relative importance of seed-mediated gene flow may have been underemphasized in other fragmented systems, and diagnosing the response of forest trees to current anthropogenic disturbances requires the assessment of phenomena after establishment.  (+info)

Similar gender dimorphism in the costs of reproduction across the geographic range of Fraxinus ornus. (6/35)

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The reproductive costs for individuals with the female function have been hypothesized to be greater than for those with the male function because the allocation unit per female flower is very high due to the necessity to nurture the embryos until seed dispersal occurs, while the male reproductive allocation per flower is lower because it finishes once pollen is shed. Consequently, males may invest more resources in growth than females. This prediction was tested across a wide geographical range in a tree with a dimorphic breeding system (Fraxinus ornus) consisting of males and hermaphrodites functioning as females. The contrasting ecological conditions found across the geographical range allowed the evaluation of the hypothesis that the reproductive costs of sexual dimorphism varies with environmental stressors. METHODS: By using random-effects meta-analysis, the differences in the reproductive and vegetative investment of male and hermaphrodite trees of F. ornus were analysed in 10 populations from the northern (Slovakia), south-eastern (Greece) and south-western (Spain) limits of its European distribution. The variation in gender-dimorphism with environmental stress was analysed by running a meta-regression between these effect sizes and the two environmental stress indicators: one related to temperature (the frost-free period) and another related to water availability (moisture deficit). KEY RESULTS: Most of the effect sizes showed that males produced more flowers and grew more quickly than hermaphrodites. Gender differences in reproduction and growth were not minimized or maximized under adverse climatic conditions such as short frost-free periods or severe aridity. CONCLUSIONS: The lower costs of reproduction for F. ornus males allow them to grow more quickly than hermaphrodites, although such differences in sex-specific reproductive costs are not magnified under stressful conditions.  (+info)

Assortative mating and differential male mating success in an ash hybrid zone population. (7/35)

BACKGROUND: The structure and evolution of hybrid zones depend mainly on the relative importance of dispersal and local adaptation, and on the strength of assortative mating. Here, we study the influence of dispersal, temporal isolation, variability in phenotypic traits and parasite attacks on the male mating success of two parental species and hybrids by real-time pollen flow analysis. We focus on a hybrid zone population between the two closely related ash species Fraxinus excelsior L. (common ash) and F. angustifolia Vahl (narrow-leaved ash), which is composed of individuals of the two species and several hybrid types. This population is structured by flowering time: the F. excelsior individuals flower later than the F. angustifolia individuals, and the hybrid types flower in-between. Hybrids are scattered throughout the population, suggesting favorable conditions for their local adaptation. We estimate jointly the best-fitting dispersal kernel, the differences in male fecundity due to variation in phenotypic traits and level of parasite attack, and the strength of assortative mating due to differences in flowering phenology. In addition, we assess the effect of accounting for genotyping error on these estimations. RESULTS: We detected a very high pollen immigration rate and a fat-tailed dispersal kernel, counter-balanced by slight phenological assortative mating and short-distance pollen dispersal. Early intermediate flowering hybrids, which had the highest male mating success, showed optimal sex allocation and increased selfing rates. We detected asymmetry of gene flow, with early flowering trees participating more as pollen donors than late flowering trees. CONCLUSION: This study provides striking evidence that long-distance gene flow alone is not sufficient to counter-act the effects of assortative mating and selfing. Phenological assortative mating and short-distance dispersal can create temporal and spatial structuring that appears to maintain this hybrid population. The asymmetry of gene flow, with higher fertility and increased selfing, can potentially confer a selective advantage to early flowering hybrids in the zone. In the event of climate change, hybridization may provide a means for F. angustifolia to further extend its range at the expense of F. excelsior.  (+info)

Effects of carbon dioxide and oxygen on sapwood respiration in five temperate tree species. (8/35)

The gaseous environment surrounding parenchyma in woody tissue is low in O2 and high in CO2, but it is not known to what extent this affects respiration or might play a role in cell death during heartwood formation. Sapwood respiration was measured in two conifers and three angiosperms following equilibration to levels of O2 and CO2 common within stems, using both inner and outer sapwood to test for an effect of age. Across all species and tissue ages, lowering the O2 level from 10% to 5% (v/v) resulted in about a 25% decrease in respiration in the absence of CO2, but a non-significant decrease at 10% CO2. The inhibitory effect of 10% CO2 was smaller and only significant at 10% O2, where it reduced respiration by about 14%. Equilibration to a wider range of gas combinations in Pinus strobus L. showed the same effect: 10% CO2 inhibited respiration by about 15% at both 20% and 10% O2, but had no net effect at 5% O2. In an extreme treatment, 1% O2+20% CO2 increased respiration by over 30% relative to 1% O2 alone, suggesting a shift in metabolic response to high CO2 as O2 decreases. Although an increase in respiration would be detrimental under limiting O2, this extreme gas combination is unlikely to exist within most stems. Instead, moderate reductions in respiration under realistic O2 and CO2 levels suggest that within-stem gas composition does not severely limit respiration and is unlikely to cause the death of xylem parenchyma during heartwood formation.  (+info)

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Fraxinus" is not a medical term. It is the genus name for ash trees in the plant kingdom. If you have any questions about medical terminology or concepts, I would be happy to try and help answer those for you!

I apologize for any confusion, but "Ulmaceae" is not a medical term. It is actually the botanical name of a family of flowering plants known as the elm family. This family includes trees and shrubs with simple, alternate leaves and small, apetalous flowers arranged in clusters. Examples of genera within this family include Ulmus (elm), Planera (sycamore), and Celtis (hackberry).

"Carya" is a genus name that refers to a group of trees commonly known as hickories. These trees belong to the family Juglandaceae and are native to North America and Asia. The genus includes about 17 species, such as Carya ovata (shagbark hickory), Carya illinoinensis (pecan), and Carya cordiformis (bitternut hickory). These trees are known for their hard, heavy wood and edible nuts.

"Cupressus" is a genus of evergreen trees that belong to the family Cupressaceae. This genus includes several species of cypress trees, which are native to different parts of the world. Some common examples of trees in this genus include the Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), the Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica), and the Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa). These trees are known for their tall, slender trunks and their small, scale-like leaves that are arranged in opposite pairs. They are often used as ornamental plants and for timber production.

'Betula' is the genus name for a group of trees commonly known as birches. These trees belong to the family Betulaceae and are native to the cooler regions of the Northern Hemisphere. There are around 30-60 species in this genus, depending on the classification system used.

Birch trees are known for their distinctive bark, which is often white and peels away in thin layers. They also have simple, ovate leaves that are usually toothed or serrated along the edges. Many birches produce catkins, which are long, slender flowering structures that contain either male or female flowers.

Birch trees have a number of uses, both practical and cultural. The wood is lightweight and easy to work with, making it popular for uses such as furniture-making, paper production, and fuel. Birch bark has also been used historically for a variety of purposes, including canoe construction, writing surfaces, and medicinal remedies.

In addition to their practical uses, birch trees have cultural significance in many regions where they grow. For example, they are often associated with renewal and rebirth due to their ability to regrow from stumps or roots after being cut down. In some cultures, birch trees are also believed to have spiritual or mystical properties.

"Oleaceae" is not a medical term, but a taxonomic category in botany. It refers to the family of plants that includes olive trees, ash trees, and lilacs, among others. These plants produce various compounds with potential medicinal properties, such as oleuropein from olive leaves, which has been studied for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. However, "Oleaceae" itself does not have a specific medical definition.

Pollen, in a medical context, refers to the fine powder-like substance produced by the male reproductive organ of seed plants. It contains microscopic grains known as pollen grains, which are transported by various means such as wind, water, or insects to the female reproductive organ of the same or another plant species for fertilization.

Pollen can cause allergic reactions in some individuals, particularly during the spring and summer months when plants release large amounts of pollen into the air. These allergies, also known as hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis, can result in symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, congestion, itchy eyes, and coughing.

It is important to note that while all pollen has the potential to cause allergic reactions, certain types of plants, such as ragweed, grasses, and trees, are more likely to trigger symptoms in sensitive individuals.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "trees" is not a medical term. It is a common term used in various fields, including biology, ecology, and dendrology, to refer to a woody perennial plant with a single stem or trunk that supports branches and leaves in most species.

If you have any questions related to medical terminology or health-related topics, please provide more context so I can offer an accurate and helpful response.

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