Progressive mental disturbances and unconsciousness due to breathing mixtures of oxygen and inert gases (argon, helium, xenon, krypton, and atmospheric nitrogen) at high pressure.
Loss of the ability to maintain awareness of self and environment combined with markedly reduced responsiveness to environmental stimuli. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp344-5)
Elements that constitute group 18 (formerly the zero group) of the periodic table. They are gases that generally do not react chemically.
The ratio of alveolar ventilation to simultaneous alveolar capillary blood flow in any part of the lung. (Stedman, 25th ed)

Decompression sickness and recreational scuba divers. (1/9)

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to clear the status of recreational scuba divers in Japan for promoting safety in recreational diving. METHODS: A five year (from 1996 to 2001) questionnaire survey was performed of Japanese divers at the Osezaki area in Japan. The subjects of this survey included diving instructors as well as recreational divers. Based on the obtained data, the study investigated the theory predicted incidence of decompression sickness (DCS) among Japanese recreational divers. RESULTS: The average (SD) of the maximum depth for diving was 37.4 (13.1) metres, which was deeper than the recommended depth of recreational diving. The incident rate of nitrogen narcosis (12%) was the most frequent, followed by barotraumas of the ear (11%) and barotraumas of the paranasal sinus (5.6%). The rate of DCS was 1.9 % (60 divers) during investigated period, and that DCS occurred once per 19 011 dives in calculation. CONCLUSIONS: This investigation showed that the status of leisure diving in Japan is still serious, because DCS would be expected to occur once a weekend in Japan. It is speculated that many divers may develop DCS while moving through high altitudes after diving, particularly at the Osezaki diving spot in Japan. Based on the results of this study, it is emphasised that every Japanese leisure diver should take an increasing interest in the safety of diving activity.  (+info)

Neuronal sensitivity to hyperoxia, hypercapnia, and inert gases at hyperbaric pressures. (2/9)

As ambient pressure increases, hydrostatic compression of the central nervous system, combined with increasing levels of inspired Po2, Pco2, and N2 partial pressure, has deleterious effects on neuronal function, resulting in O2 toxicity, CO2 toxicity, N2 narcosis, and high-pressure nervous syndrome. The cellular mechanisms responsible for each disorder have been difficult to study by using classic in vitro electrophysiological methods, due to the physical barrier imposed by the sealed pressure chamber and mechanical disturbances during tissue compression. Improved chamber designs and methods have made such experiments feasible in mammalian neurons, especially at ambient pressures <5 atmospheres absolute (ATA). Here we summarize these methods, the physiologically relevant test pressures, potential research applications, and results of previous research, focusing on the significance of electrophysiological studies at <5 ATA. Intracellular recordings and tissue Po2 measurements in slices of rat brain demonstrate how to differentiate the neuronal effects of increased gas pressures from pressure per se. Examples also highlight the use of hyperoxia (+info)

Effects of nitrogen and helium on CNS oxygen toxicity in the rat. (3/9)

The contribution of inert gases to the risk of central nervous system (CNS) oxygen toxicity is a matter of controversy. Therefore, diving regulations apply strict rules regarding permissible oxygen pressures (Po(2)). We studied the effects of nitrogen and helium (0, 15, 25, 40, 50, and 60%) and different levels of Po(2) (507, 557, 608, and 658 kPa) on the latency to the first electrical discharge (FED) in the EEG in rats, with repeated measurements in each animal. Latency as a function of the nitrogen pressure was not homogeneous for each rat. The prolongation of latency observed in some rats at certain nitrogen pressures, mostly in the range 100 to 500 kPa, was superimposed on the general trend for a reduction in latency as nitrogen pressure increased. This pattern was an individual trait. In contrast with nitrogen, no prolongation of latency to CNS oxygen toxicity was observed with helium, where an increase in helium pressure caused a reduction in latency. This bimodal response and the variation in the response between rats, together with a possible effect of ambient temperature on metabolic rate, may explain the conflicting findings reported in the literature. The difference between the two inert gases may be related to the difference in the narcotic effect of nitrogen. Proof through further research of a correlation between individual sensitivity to nitrogen narcosis and protection by N(2) against CNS oxygen toxicity in rat may lead to a personal O(2) limit in mixed-gas diving based on the diver sensitivity to N(2) narcosis.  (+info)

The physiology and pathophysiology of human breath-hold diving. (4/9)


Guiding principles in choosing a therapeutic table for DCI hyperbaric therapy. (5/9)

Hyperbaric therapy is the basis of treatment for pervasive development disorders. For this reason, the choice of the right therapeutic table for each case is critical. Above all, the delay in recompression time with respect to the first symptoms and to the severity of the case must be considered. In our experience, the use of low-pressure oxygen tables resolves almost all cases if recompression takes place within a short time. When recompression is possible almost immediately, the mechanical effect of reduction on bubble volume due to pressure is of remarkable importance. In these cases, high-pressure tables can be considered. These tables can also be used in severe spinal-cord decompression sickness. The preferred breathing mixture is still disputed. Heliox seems to be favored because it causes fewer problems during the recompression of divers, and above all, because nitrox can cause narcosis and contributes nitrogen. Saturation treatment should be avoided or at least used only in special cases. In cases of arterial gas embolism cerebral injury, it is recommended to start with an initial 6 ATA recompression only if the time between symptom onset and the beginning of recompression is less than a few hours.  (+info)

How can an inert gas counterbalance a NMDA-induced glutamate release? (6/9)


Changes in progressive-ratio performance under increased pressures of air. (7/9)

Rats performed on progressive-ratio schedules that required an increasing number of responses for each successive reinforcement. The number of responses required increased until the subjects failed to complete the next ratio in the sequence within 15 min. Response-ratio increments of two responses, five responses, and 20 responses were investigated. The size of the final completed ratio generally increased with increases in the progressive-ratio step size. Increased pressures of air in a hyperbaric chamber led to both increases and decreases in terminal ratio size, with the differential effects depending on both air pressure and on the size of the progressive-ratio increment. Changes in the number of responses in the final ratio were related to increased pressures of nitrogen, as similar pressures of helium produced few effects.  (+info)

Growth of Streptococcus faecalis under high hydrostatic pressure and high partial pressures of inert gases. (8/9)

Growth of Streptococcus faecalis in a complex medium was inhibited by xenon, nitrous oxide, argon, and nitrogen at gas pressures of 41 atm or less. The order of inhibitory potency was: xenon and nitrous oxide > argon > nitrogen. Helium appeared to be impotent. Oxygen also inhibited streptococcal growth and it acted synergistically with narcotic gases. Growth was slowed somewhat by 41 atm hydrostatic pressure in the absence of narcotic gases, but the gas effects were greater than those due to pressure. In relation to the sensitivity of this bacterium to pressure, we found that the volume of cultures increased during growth in a volumeter or dilatometer, and that this dilatation was due mainly to glycolysis. A volume increase of 20.3 +/- 3.6 ml/mole of lactic acid produced was measured, and this value was close to one of 24 ml/mole lactic acid given for muscle glycolysis, and interestingly, close to the theoretic volume increase of activation calculated from the depression of growth rate by pressure.  (+info)

Inert Gas Narcosis (IGN), also known as nitrogen narcosis or raptores narcosis, is a reversible alteration in consciousness, perception, and behavior that can occur in divers who breathe gas mixtures with high partial pressures of inert gases, such as nitrogen or helium, at depth. It is caused by the anesthetic effect of these gases on the central nervous system and is often described as feeling drunk or euphoric. The symptoms typically occur at depths greater than 30 meters (100 feet) and can include impaired judgment, memory, and coordination, which can increase the risk of accidents and injuries underwater. IGN is managed by ascending to shallower depths, where the partial pressure of the inert gas decreases, and by using gas mixtures with lower fractions of inert gases.

Unconsciousness is a state of complete awareness where a person is not responsive to stimuli and cannot be awakened. It is often caused by severe trauma, illness, or lack of oxygen supply to the brain. In medical terms, it is defined as a lack of response to verbal commands, pain, or other stimuli, indicating that the person's brain is not functioning at a level necessary to maintain wakefulness and awareness.

Unconsciousness can be described as having different levels, ranging from drowsiness to deep coma. The causes of unconsciousness can vary widely, including head injury, seizure, stroke, infection, drug overdose, or lack of oxygen supply to the brain. Depending on the cause and severity, unconsciousness may last for a few seconds or continue for an extended period, requiring medical intervention and treatment.

The Noble gases are a group of elements in the periodic table, specifically helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). They are called "noble" because they are very unreactive due to having a full complement of electrons in their outer atomic shell, which makes them stable and non-reactive with other elements. This property also means that they do not form compounds under normal conditions. Noble gases are colorless, odorless, tasteless, and nontoxic gases. They are used in various applications such as lighting, medical imaging, and scientific research.

The Ventilation-Perfusion (V/Q) ratio is a measure used in respiratory physiology to describe the relationship between the amount of air that enters the alveoli (ventilation) and the amount of blood that reaches the alveoli to pick up oxygen (perfusion).

In a healthy lung, these two processes are well-matched, meaning that well-ventilated areas of the lung also have good blood flow. This results in a V/Q ratio close to 1.0.

However, certain lung conditions such as emphysema or pulmonary embolism can cause ventilation and perfusion to become mismatched, leading to a V/Q ratio that is either higher (ventilation exceeds perfusion) or lower (perfusion exceeds ventilation) than normal. This mismatch can result in impaired gas exchange and lead to hypoxemia (low oxygen levels in the blood).

The V/Q ratio is often used in clinical settings to assess lung function and diagnose respiratory disorders.

inert gas narcosis diving. Scuba Diving Anxiety & CO2 Narcosis Did you know that scuba diving anxiety can arise from CO2 ... Read MoreDoes Nitrogen Narcosis Impairment Persist?. Nitrogen Narcosis Sedation & Consciousness Nitrogen narcosis sedation is ... Understanding those factors promotes safe gas selection.. Read MoreHow Deep Can You Dive Using Air?. CO2 Narcosis and ... Nitrogen Narcosis: Why It Is Hard to Know You Are Narked How do scuba divers perceive nitrogen narcosis? Is it possible to ...
Bennett, Peter; Rostain, Jean Claude (2003). "Inert Gas Narcosis". In Brubakk, Alf O; Neuman, Tom S (eds.). Bennett and ... Breathing gases, Gas technologies, Energy storage, Industrial gases, Pneumatics, Respiration). ... Machine to increase pressure of gas by reducing its volume Gas duster - Product used for cleaning or dusting sensitive devices ... Nitrogen narcosis is a hazard when diving. For diving much beyond 30 metres (100 ft), it is less safe to use air alone and ...
Inert Gas Narcosis Laboratory Infection occupational asthma occupational dermatitis periarthritis persian gulf syndrome ...
... the subject of inert gas narcosis becomes more ardently debated. Much practical discussion of narcosis "field" theory among ... Within the context of air diving, the effects of inert gas narcosis are second only to acute CNS oxygen toxicity in hazard to ... There have been numerous articles written on the subjects of inert gas narcosis and attendant depth limitations. Many have re- ... That whats going to crush the inert gas bubbles and let them be absorbed back into blood and tissue without occlusions and ...
Purpose: Divers can experience cognitive impairment due to inert gas narcosis (IGN) at depth. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ... Dopamine/BDNF loss underscores narcosis cognitive impairment in divers: a proof of concept in a dry condition ... and inflammatory mediators were evaluated in divers using a closed circuit rebreathing apparatus and custom-mixed gases to ...
09.2 Inert Gas Narcosis 09.3 High Pressure Nervous Syndrome 09.4 Oxygen Under Pressure. 10 Decompression. 10.1 Decompression ... 03 Ventilation, Gas Exchange and Exercise Under Pressure. 04 Thermal considerations in diving. 05 Breath-hold Diving. 06 ... 10.5 Arterial Gas Embolism and Pulmonary Barotraumas. 10.6 Manifestations of Decompression Disorders 10.7 Treatment of the ...
The effects of inert gas narcosis on certain aspects of serial response time. ... This study was a prelude to further work investigating EEG effects of gas narcosis in divers, so participants were recruited ... Pupillometry is not sensitive to gas narcosis in divers breathing hyperbaric air or normobaric nitrous oxide. ... Nitrous oxide is a weak anesthetic gas mostly used in dentistry, obstetrics, and acute trauma.1 It has analgesic and hypnotic ...
Clinical decision support for Nitrogen Narcosis In Diving. Treatment and management. Introduction, Etiology, Epidemiology, ... In underwater diving, narcosis (nitrogen narcosis, inert gas narcosis, raptures of the deep, Martini effect) is a reversible ... Inert gas narcosis in scuba diving, different gases different reactions. European journal of applied physiology. 2019 Jan:119(1 ... Inert gas narcosis completely resolves upon ascent. It poses no problem in the long term and does not lead to chronic issues or ...
Nitrox reduces the risk of inert gas narcosis.. This is also not true. Oxygen is just as narcotic as nitrogen under pressure. ... You use less gas when diving Nitrox.. This again is totally false. Gas consumption is based upon the size of your lungs, your ... In some cases, divers have more problems with narcosis when using enriched air. Always stay vigilant for signs of narcosis when ... While it might seem as though you might use less gas when diving with higher levels of oxygen, that is simply not the case. ...
PURPOSE: Divers can experience cognitive impairment due to inert gas narcosis (IGN) at depth. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ... previous end-tidal alveolar gas measurements, and arterial blood gas analysis in hyperbaric chambers. Recent experiments in ... Pulmonary gas exchange in breath-hold diving (BHD) consists of a progressive increase in arterial partial pressures of oxygen ... METHODS: To mimic IGN, we administered a deep narcosis test via a dry dive test (DDT) at 48 msw in a multiplace hyperbaric ...
Nitrogen narcosis. Narcosis while diving (also known as nitrogen narcosis, inert gas narcosis, raptures of the deep ... Narcosis; the state of being narcotized.. More related articles * Narcotic. The term narcotic (, from ancient Greek ναρκῶ narkō ...
The risks of decompression sickness, High Pressure Nervous Syndrome (HPNS), oxygen toxicity and inert gas narcosis are ... His umbilical is severed, and he has switched on his bailout gas with the knowledge that in 8 minutes his gas supply will be ... he then knew that in approximately 8 minutes his breathing gas would run out and he would die. Documentary Last Breath Chris ...
... - Inert gas narcosis [Nitrogen narcosis] Classification and external resources Divers breathe a mixture of ... Narcosis de nitrógeno - (narcosis de gas inerte) Clasificación y recursos externos DiseasesDB 30088 MeSH … Wikipedia Español ... nitrogen narcosis - recovery of fish suddenly from deep water can case expansion of gases by rapid decompression, harming the ... nitrogen narcosis - ni′trogen narco sis n. pat a stupor or euphoria induced in deep sea divers when nitrogen from air enters ...
Inert Gas Narcosis. *Laboratory Infection. *Occupational Stress. *Persian Gulf Syndrome. *Pneumoconiosis. *Sleep Disorders, ...
Inert Gas Narcosis [C24.426] Inert Gas Narcosis * Laboratory Infection [C24.506] Laboratory Infection ...
Inert Gas Narcosis [C24.426] * Laboratory Infection [C24.506] * Occupational Stress [C24.580] * Persian Gulf Syndrome [C24.653] ...
Inert Gas Narcosis. *Laboratory Infection. *Persian Gulf Syndrome. *Pneumoconiosis. *Sleep Disorders, Circadian Rhythm ...
Inert Gas Narcosis. *Laboratory Infection. *Occupational Stress. *Persian Gulf Syndrome. *Pneumoconiosis. *Sleep Disorders, ...
Narcoses, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcoses, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ... Narcosis, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcosis, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ...
Narcoses, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcoses, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ... Narcosis, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcosis, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ...
Narcoses, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcoses, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ... Narcosis, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcosis, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ...
Narcoses, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcoses, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ... Narcosis, Inert Gas use Inert Gas Narcosis Narcosis, Nitrogen use Inert Gas Narcosis ...
... is when you dive for long enough to bring all of your tissues into balance with the partial pressures of the breathing gass ... because no more inert gas is accumulated. To avoid nitrogen narcosis, saturation divers normally breathe a helium-oxygen ... A diver breathing pressurized gas accumulates dissolved inert gas used in the mixture to dilute oxygen to a non-toxic level in ... In 1942, Albert R. Behnke presented the idea of exposing humans to elevated ambient pressures long enough for inert gases to ...
... add inert gasses to their mixes or reduce their oxygen content to reduce the risk of oxygen toxicity and nitrogen narcosis. ... 3. Nitrogen Narcosis Management: At greater depths, divers may experience nitrogen narcosis, which can impair judgment and ... 4. Gas Management: Deep divers can use air for their adventures, but some recreational divers will get certified in nitrox. ... This is a form of gas mixing that adds a little oxygen to the mix that increases the no decompression limit. If the diver has ...
Nitrogen Narcosis. At increasing depths, generally ,100 ft (≈30 m), the partial pressure of nitrogen within the breathing gas ... Breathing air under pressure causes excess inert gas (usually nitrogen) to dissolve in and saturate body tissues. The amount of ... Gas entering the pleural space can cause lung collapse or pneumothorax. Gas entering the mediastinum (the space around the ... Arterial Gas Embolism. Gas entering the arterial blood through ruptured pulmonary vessels can distribute bubbles into the body ...
Gases and vapours are, henceforth, referred to collectively as gases in this article unless specifically stated. ... In this article, the properties of gases/vapours, their type and typical occurrences in the workplace, and the methods used to ... Furthermore, there are additional risks associated with the use of pressurised gas systems. ... Introduction Gases and vapours are commonly encountered in the workplace at normal atmospheric pressure or elevated pressure. ...
The use of high PPO2 for me is a necessity at the depths I go to in order to reduce the inert gas load and limit my very long ... A very small, very tiny sensation of narcosis. This acts as a reminder to me that says, "OK I am very deep and I need to be ... Thats a gas density of 10.76 g/l at max depth with the high oxygen and nitrogen levels, which is considerably above the ... So, in planning the dive I prepared gases for a max depth of 280 m/919 ft. I used trimix 5.5/83 (5.5% oxygen, 83% helium, 11.5 ...
Unfortunately, that gas is "burped-off" as gas expands on ascent. But the amount of inert gas wasted during rebreather ... One strange thing about hydrogen narcosis is that at great depth it can result in psychotic manifestations in some individuals ... Tag: gas wells. What Will Divers Do When the Helium is Gone?. Helium is a low density, non-narcotic gas often added to the ... When a gas pocket containing economically recoverable amounts of helium is found, a well is drilled to release the gas. It ...

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