Loss or impairment of the ability to write (letters, syllables, words, or phrases) due to an injury to a specific cerebral area or occasionally due to emotional factors. This condition rarely occurs in isolation, and often accompanies APHASIA. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p485; APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 1994)
Loss of the power to comprehend written materials despite preservation of the ability to write (i.e., alexia without agraphia). This condition is generally attributed to lesions that "disconnect" the visual cortex of the non-dominant hemisphere from language centers in the dominant hemisphere. This may occur when a dominant visual cortex injury is combined with underlying white matter lesions that involve crossing fibers from the occipital lobe of the opposite hemisphere. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p483)
A disorder of cognition characterized by the tetrad of finger agnosia, dysgraphia, DYSCALCULIA, and right-left disorientation. The syndrome may be developmental or acquired. Acquired Gerstmann syndrome is associated with lesions in the dominant (usually left) PARIETAL LOBE which involve the angular gyrus or subjacent white matter. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p457)
A language dysfunction characterized by the inability to name people and objects that are correctly perceived. The individual is able to describe the object in question, but cannot provide the name. This condition is associated with lesions of the dominant hemisphere involving the language areas, in particular the TEMPORAL LOBE. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p484)
A group of cognitive disorders characterized by the inability to perform previously learned skills that cannot be attributed to deficits of motor or sensory function. The two major subtypes of this condition are ideomotor (see APRAXIA, IDEOMOTOR) and ideational apraxia, which refers to loss of the ability to mentally formulate the processes involved with performing an action. For example, dressing apraxia may result from an inability to mentally formulate the act of placing clothes on the body. Apraxias are generally associated with lesions of the dominant PARIETAL LOBE and supramarginal gyrus. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp56-7)
The act or practice of literary composition, the occupation of writer, or producing or engaging in literary work as a profession.
Impairment in the comprehension of speech and meaning of words, both spoken and written, and of the meanings conveyed by their grammatical relationships in sentences. It is caused by lesions that primarily affect Wernicke's area, which lies in the posterior perisylvian region of the temporal lobe of the dominant hemisphere. (From Brain & Bannister, Clinical Neurology, 7th ed, p141; Kandel et al., Principles of Neural Science, 3d ed, p846)
Disorders of the centrally located thalamus, which integrates a wide range of cortical and subcortical information. Manifestations include sensory loss, MOVEMENT DISORDERS; ATAXIA, pain syndromes, visual disorders, a variety of neuropsychological conditions, and COMA. Relatively common etiologies include CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS; CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA; BRAIN NEOPLASMS; BRAIN HYPOXIA; INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGES; and infectious processes.
Posterior portion of the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES responsible for processing visual sensory information. It is located posterior to the parieto-occipital sulcus and extends to the preoccipital notch.

Pure apraxic agraphia with abnormal writing stroke sequences: report of a Japanese patient with a left superior parietal haemorrhage. (1/44)

A 67 year old Japanese male patient had pure agraphia after a haemorrhage in the left superior parietal lobule. He developed difficulty in letter formation but showed no linguistic errors, consistent with the criteria of apraxic agraphia. He manifested a selective disorder of sequencing writing strokes, although he was able to orally state the correct sequences. The patient's complete recovery after 1 month, without new learning, showed that he had manifested a selective disorder of writing stroke sequences. These findings indicate that the final stage of the execution of writing according to acquired sequential memory shown as a stroke sequence can be selectively disturbed, and should be considered to be distinct from the ability of character imagery and the knowledge of the writing stroke sequence itself. This case also indicates that the left superior parietal lobule plays an important part in the execution of writing.  (+info)

Retraining of dysgraphia - a case study. (2/44)

A patient with dysgraphia resulting from a gunshot wound of the brain is presented. Analysis of the functional status of component operations involved in the skill of writing is described. A retraining scheme based on this analysis brought about a significant improvement in the patient's handwriting.  (+info)

Evaluation and outcome of aphasia in patients with severe closed head trauma. (3/44)

In this study long-term observation of 12 patients with aphasia secondary to severe closed head trauma took place. The most frequent symptoms were amnestic aphasia and verbal paraphasia. Only one patient with a constant slow wave EEG focus in the dominant hemisphere had severe receptive symptoms. In all other patients the aphasia recovered rather well, though not totally, but the presence and degree of concomitant neuropsychological disorders were most important for the final outcome.  (+info)

Effectiveness of neuromotor task training for children with developmental coordination disorder: a pilot study. (4/44)

The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Neuromotor Task Training (NTT), recently developed for the treatment of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) by pediatric physical therapists in the Netherlands. NTT is a task-oriented treatment program based upon recent insights from motor control and motor learning research. Ten children with DCD (intervention group) were tested before and after 9 and 18 treatment sessions on the Movement ABC and a dysgraphia scale in order to measure the effectiveness of treatment on gross and fine motor skills in general and handwriting in particular. Five children (no-treatment control group) were tested twice with a time lag of nine weeks on the Movement ABC in order to measure spontaneous improvement. No improvement was measured for the children in the no-treatment control group, whereas a significant improvement was found for children in the intervention group for both quality of handwriting and performance on the Movement ABC after 18 treatment sessions.  (+info)

Reading aloud in jargonaphasia: an unusual dissociation in speech output. (5/44)

A patient is described who showed several dissociations between oral and written language processing after bilateral retrorolandic vascular lesion. Dissociation was firstly between abolished auditory comprehension and preserved written comprehension and then involved confrontation naming, clearly superior in the written modality. The third striking dissociation involved oral output; spontaneous speech, although fluent and well articulated, consisted of neologistic jargon, while reading aloud was clearly superior though not perfect. Data are discussed with reference to a cognitive model of word processing. The pattern of dissociation in word production may be due to a failure in retrieving the phonological word form from the semantic system.  (+info)

Parkinsonism following bilateral lesions of the globus pallidus: performance on a variety of motor tasks shows similarities with Parkinson's disease. (6/44)

OBJECTIVES: The authors report the results of detailed investigations into the motor function of a patient who, after a heavy drinking binge and subsequent unconsciousness, respiratory acidosis, and initial recovery, developed parkinsonism characterised by hypophonic speech and palilalia, "fast micrographia", impaired postural reflexes, and brady/akinesia in proximal (but not distal) alternating upper limb movements. METHODS: In addition to brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), different aspects of motor function were investigated using reaction time (RT) tasks, pegboard and finger tapping tasks, flex and squeeze tasks, movement related cortical potentials (MRCPs), and contingent negative variation (CNV). Cognitive function was also assessed. The results were compared to those previously reported in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). RESULTS: Brain MRI showed isolated and bilateral globus pallidus (GP) lesions covering mainly the external parts (GPe). These lesions were most probably secondary to respiratory acidosis, as other investigations failed to reveal an alternative cause. The results of the RT tasks showed that the patient had difficulties in preparing and maintaining preparation for a forthcoming movement. MRCP and CNV studies were in line with this, as the early component of the MRCP and CNV were absent prior to movement. The patient's performance on pegboard and finger tapping, and flex and squeeze tasks was normal when performed with one hand, but clearly deteriorated when using both hands simultaneously or sequentially. CONCLUSIONS: In general, the present results were similar to those reported previously in patients with PD. This provides further indirect evidence that the output of globus pallidus is of major importance in abnormal motor function in PD. The possible similarities of the functional status of GP in PD and our case are discussed.  (+info)

Around the clock surveillance: simple graphic disturbance in patients with hemispatial neglect carries implications for the clock drawing task. (7/44)

BACKGROUND: Drawing, and the clock drawing task in particular, is widely used as a diagnostic tool in the study of hemispatial neglect. It is generally assumed that the errors in graphic production, such as the misplacement of numbers, reflect a visuospatial deficit, and that drawing production itself (for example, producing the circle) is unimpaired. OBJECTIVES: To test this assumption by examining whether the production of simple circles is affected by neglect. METHODS: 16 right hemisphere stroke patients copied circles of various sizes and their drawings were measured for size accuracy. RESULTS: Patients with more severe neglect produced greater scaling errors, consistently drawing the circle smaller than the original. Errors were not in the horizontal axis alone--shrinkage occurred equally in both height and width axes. CONCLUSIONS: Neglect can co-occur with constructional difficulties that serve to exacerbate the symptoms presented. This should be taken into account in the assessment of even apparently simple drawing tasks.  (+info)

Do deep dyslexia, dysphasia and dysgraphia share a common phonological impairment? (8/44)

This study directly compared four patients who, to varying degrees, showed the characteristics of deep dyslexia, dysphasia and/or dysgraphia--i.e., they made semantic errors in oral reading, repetition and/or spelling to dictation. The "primary systems" hypothesis proposes that these different conditions result from severe impairment to a common phonological system, rather than damage to task-specific mechanisms (i.e. grapheme-phoneme conversion). By this view, deep dyslexic/dysphasic patients should show overlapping deficits but previous studies have not directly compared them. All four patients in the current study showed poor phonological production across different tasks, including repetition, reading aloud and spoken picture naming, in line with the primary systems hypothesis. They also showed severe deficits in tasks that required the manipulation of phonology, such as phoneme addition and deletion. Some of the characteristics of the deep syndromes - namely lexicality and imageability effects - were typically observed in all of the tasks, regardless of whether semantic errors occurred or not, suggesting that the patients' phonological deficits impacted on repetition, reading aloud and spelling to dictation in similar ways. Differences between the syndromes were accounted for by variation in other primary systems--particularly auditory processing. Deep dysphasic symptoms occurred when the impact of phonological input on spoken output was disrupted or reduced, either as a result of auditory/phonological impairment, or for patients with good phonological input analysis, when repetition was delayed. 'Deep' disorders of reading aloud, repetition and spelling can therefore be explained in terms of damage to interacting primary systems such as phonology, semantics and vision, with phonology playing a critical role.  (+info)

Agraphia is a neurological disorder that affects the ability to write, either by hand or through mechanical means like typing. It is often caused by damage to specific areas of the brain involved in language and writing skills, such as the left parietal lobe. Agraphia can manifest as difficulty with spelling, forming letters or words, organizing thoughts on paper, or expressing ideas in writing. Depending on the severity and location of the brain injury, agraphia may occur in isolation or alongside other language or cognitive impairments.

Alexia, also known as word blindness or pure alexia, is a type of acquired reading disorder that affects the ability to recognize and understand written words, despite having intact intelligence, speech, and language comprehension. It is typically caused by damage to specific areas in the left occipitotemporal cortex of the brain, often as a result of stroke or head injury.

People with pure alexia may have difficulty reading individual words, even those they know well, but can still write and speak normally. They may use strategies such as guessing words based on their first letter or shape, or by using context clues to help them understand written text. Treatment for pure alexia typically involves various forms of rehabilitation and compensatory strategies to help individuals regain or improve their reading abilities.

Gerstmann syndrome is a rare neurological disorder primarily characterized by the following four symptoms:
1. Finger agnosia - inability to identify or recognize fingers on their own hand, often struggling to distinguish between similar fingers like index and middle finger.
2. Left-right disorientation - difficulty determining left from right, sometimes affecting body awareness and spatial orientation.
3. Agraphia - an impairment in writing abilities, including difficulties with spelling, grammar, or composing coherent texts.
4. Acalculia - inability to perform basic arithmetic calculations or have trouble understanding numerical concepts.

These symptoms are typically associated with damage to the dominant parietal lobe, specifically within the angular gyrus region of the brain. Gerstmann syndrome is often observed in individuals who have experienced stroke, brain injury, or other forms of neurological damage. It's important to note that not all individuals with Gerstmann syndrome will exhibit all four symptoms, and some may experience additional cognitive or motor impairments depending on the extent of the brain damage.

Anomia is a language disorder that affects a person's ability to name objects, places, or people. It is often caused by damage to the brain, such as from a stroke, brain injury, or neurological condition. In anomia, a person has difficulty retrieving words from their memory, and may substitute similar-sounding words, describe the object instead of naming it, or be unable to come up with a name at all. Anomia can range from mild to severe and can significantly impact a person's ability to communicate effectively.

Apraxia is a motor disorder characterized by the inability to perform learned, purposeful movements despite having the physical ability and mental understanding to do so. It is not caused by weakness, paralysis, or sensory loss, and it is not due to poor comprehension or motivation.

There are several types of apraxias, including:

1. Limb-Kinematic Apraxia: This type affects the ability to make precise movements with the limbs, such as using tools or performing complex gestures.
2. Ideomotor Apraxia: In this form, individuals have difficulty executing learned motor actions in response to verbal commands or visual cues, but they can still perform the same action when given the actual object to use.
3. Ideational Apraxia: This type affects the ability to sequence and coordinate multiple steps of a complex action, such as dressing oneself or making coffee.
4. Oral Apraxia: Also known as verbal apraxia, this form affects the ability to plan and execute speech movements, leading to difficulties with articulation and speech production.
5. Constructional Apraxia: This type impairs the ability to draw, copy, or construct geometric forms and shapes, often due to visuospatial processing issues.

Apraxias can result from various neurological conditions, such as stroke, brain injury, dementia, or neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Treatment typically involves rehabilitation and therapy focused on retraining the affected movements and compensating for any residual deficits.

I believe there may be some confusion in your question. "Writing" is a common term used to describe the act or process of creating written content, whether it's for literary, professional, or personal purposes. However, if you're asking for a medical term related to writing, perhaps you meant "graphomotor," which refers to the fine motor skills required to produce handwriting or signing one's name. If this is not what you were looking for, please clarify your question so I can provide a more accurate answer.

Wernicke's aphasia is a type of fluent aphasia, also known as receptive or sensory aphasia. It is named after the neurologist Carl Wernicke. This type of aphasia is caused by damage to the posterior portion of the left superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke's area) in the dominant hemisphere of the brain, typically as a result of stroke or head injury.

Individuals with Wernicke's aphasia have difficulty understanding spoken or written language. They may speak in long, grammatically correct sentences that are filled with incorrect or made-up words (neologisms) and have little meaning. They are often unaware of their errors and have poor comprehension of both spoken and written language. This can lead to significant difficulties in communication and can be very frustrating for the person with aphasia and their communication partners.

Treatment for Wernicke's aphasia typically involves speech-language therapy, which may focus on improving comprehension, expression, reading, and writing skills. The prognosis for recovery varies depending on the severity of the brain injury and the individual's overall health and cognitive status.

Thalamic diseases refer to conditions that affect the thalamus, which is a part of the brain that acts as a relay station for sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus plays a crucial role in regulating consciousness, sleep, and alertness. Thalamic diseases can cause a variety of symptoms depending on the specific area of the thalamus that is affected. These symptoms may include sensory disturbances, motor impairment, cognitive changes, and altered levels of consciousness. Examples of thalamic diseases include stroke, tumors, multiple sclerosis, infections, and degenerative disorders such as dementia and Parkinson's disease. Treatment for thalamic diseases depends on the underlying cause and may include medications, surgery, or rehabilitation therapy.

The occipital lobe is the portion of the cerebral cortex that lies at the back of the brain (posteriorly) and is primarily involved in visual processing. It contains areas that are responsible for the interpretation and integration of visual stimuli, including color, form, movement, and recognition of objects. The occipital lobe is divided into several regions, such as the primary visual cortex (V1), secondary visual cortex (V2 to V5), and the visual association cortex, which work together to process different aspects of visual information. Damage to the occipital lobe can lead to various visual deficits, including blindness or partial loss of vision, known as a visual field cut.

No data available that match "agraphia"

In the beginning stages of AD, individuals show signs of allographic agraphia and apraxic agraphia. Allographic agraphia is ... Agraphia has two main subgroupings: central ("aphasic") agraphia and peripheral ("nonaphasic") agraphia. Central agraphias ... Central agraphia may also be called aphasic agraphia as it involves areas of the brain whose major functions are connected to ... Deep agraphia involves damage to the same areas of the brain as lexical agraphia plus some damage to the perisylvian language ...
Agraphia is the inability to write due to either a learning disability or damage to or degeneration of specific regions of the ... Types of Agraphia They are classified in various ways:. *Pure agraphia is writing impairment in the absence of any other ... Agraphia is caused by a brain injury or lesion. Although it is most often caused by a stroke, agraphia and other aphasias can ... Therefore, agraphia can result from damage to different brain regions.. Agraphia is usually a symptom of aphasia. Aphasias are ...
Ischemic strokes occurring in the anterior circulation are the most common of all ischemic strokes, accounting for approximately 70% of all cases. They are caused most commonly by occlusion of one of the major intracranial arteries or of the small single perforator (penetrator) arteries.
Alexia without Agraphia;. Balint Syndrome;. Claude Syndrome;. Cortical Blindness (Anton Syndrome);. Gerstmann Syndrome;. ...
Agraphia. 4%. Patient K is unable to name items presented to her, even though she is able to pick them up and use them ...
alexia without agraphia syndrome: PCA. * cortical blindness syndrome (Anton syndrome): top of basilar or bilateral PCA ...
alexia without agraphia syndrome: PCA. * cortical blindness syndrome (Anton syndrome): top of basilar or bilateral PCA ...
Výsledky vyhledávání Výsledky 41 - 50 z 206 Strana 5 z 21 ◄ Předchozí 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Další ► ...
... agraphia, finger agnosia, left/right disorientation), alexia, agraphia, acalculia and apraxia (Mendez et al., 2002; Tang-Wai et ... Supportive features include alexia, ideomotor apraxia, agraphia, acalculia, onset before the age of 65 years and neuroimaging ... agraphia, simultanagnosia and optic ataxia are the most consistently identified features. Additional features reported in a ...
Barker, L., Morton, N., & Gosden, K. (2012). Remediation of alexia and agraphia using a multi-modal approach: Issues for the ... Barker, L., Morton, N., Romanowski, C., & Gosden, K. (2012). Remediation of alexia and agraphia using a multi-modal approach: ...
The stroke provoked right homonymous hemianopia, alexia without agraphia, and color anomia. ...
... and agraphia, frequently accompanied by apraxia of speech (AOS). Language comprehension is relatively preserved. ...
Agraphia - inability to express thoughts in writing.. Amnesia - lack of memory about events occurring during a particular ...
Dysgraphia - use the ICD-9 code for agraphia, 784.69 - occurs when a person struggles to form letters or write within a defined ... 784.69 covers Acalculia, Agnosia, Agraphia NOS, Apraxia.. *315.2 if for Dyscalculia - occurs where a person has trouble solving ...
... simultagnosia and alexia without agraphia. Fadelalla, M., Kanodia, A., Elsheikh, M., Ellis, J., Smith, V. & Hossain-Ibrahim, K. ...
Now, we all know and like leaves (or at least Id hope you do!), but this up-close shot by Agraphia on his N8 captures so much ...
I actually managed - embarrassingly so - to fill up one of their point cards, so this latest one, Agraphia, didnt cost me a ...
Rapcsak, S. & Beeson, P. M. (2002). Agraphia. Enciclopedia of the Human Brain, 1, 71-86. Tente links no:* Google ...
... "agraphia," condemned to having to make use of Greek for its written communication. ... "agraphia," condemned to having to make use of Greek for its written communication. The only way to escape this linguistic ...
Learn - Unit 2: Caring Throughout the Life Span - Potter Perry Fundamentals 10th Ed - 14 Older Adults for Nursing RN faster and easier with Picmonics unforgettable videos, stories, and quizzes! Picmonic is research proven to increase your memory retention and test scores. Start learning today for free!
Acquired Dysgraphia -- See Agraphia Loss or impairment of the ability to write (letters, syllables, words, or phrases) due to ... Acquired Dysgraphias -- See Agraphia Loss or impairment of the ability to write (letters, syllables, words, or phrases) due to ...
Impairments in Written Expression (Agraphia). *Having difficulty writing or copying letters, words, and sentences ...
It often causes agraphia (loss of the ability to write) and impairs oral reading. ... Usually, the impairment affects speech production and writing (nonfluent agraphia, dysgraphia), greatly frustrating patients ...
... agraphia, visual field defect, nor color agnosia. Conclusion: Infarcts of the splenium are not common. Splenial lesion may be ...
medical term, LearnThat free online word list resource.
18.00-As a project that began out of the trauma of temporary agraphia and aphasia, Body Clock is the eight-part "record" of ...
Even with that gone I think Obama should just stick to the message he outlined in the convention because this plays into his hand so well. John McCain doesnt have the judgment or temerity to be president. He agrees with George W. Bush 90% of the time. On Iraq he was wrong. On timetables he was wrong. On energy he was wrong. On healthcare he was wrong. On veterans issues he was wrong. Contrast with correct choices made by Obama on those issues. Then bring up the first presidential decisions each of them made. Obama picked Joe Biden as VP who has more foreign policy experience than anybody in Washington and who nobody would doubt for a second could be president at a moments notice (even though Obama is perfectly healthy) whereas McCain picks the most inexperienced person possible while his health and age isnt that great. Really ...
Agraphia. 1. + + We do not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any content in this site. Click here for the full disclaimer. ...
A 35-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with lower extremity weakness and double vision. Past medical history is significant for multiple sclerosis which is treated with Rituximab. Physical examination is significant for 2/5 strength in the bilateral lower extremity as well as right-sided internuclear ophthalmoplegia. MRI of the brain and spine shows new hyperintense lesions. (Lesion affecting the medial longitudinal fasciculus) ...
  • Individuals who have Alexia with agraphia have difficulty with both the production and comprehension of written language. (wikipedia.org)
  • Acquired agraphia without alexia is extremely rare, whereas acquired alexia without agraphia is relatively standard. (mkexpress.net)
  • Alexic agraphia (also called alexia with agraphia, central alexia, or angular gyrus syndrome) is an aphasia characterized by loss of the ability to read and write. (mkexpress.net)
  • Phonological agraphia is an impairment in written language processing that usually occurs in combination with phonological alexia and is characterized by difficulty spelling and reading nonwords. (mkexpress.net)
  • 3. What is alexia without agraphia? (stanford.edu)
  • 4. How does one test for alexia without agraphia? (stanford.edu)
  • 5. Where is the lesion in alexia without agraphia? (stanford.edu)
  • Individuals who have agraphia with fluent aphasia write a normal quantity of well-formed letters, but lack the ability to write meaningful words. (wikipedia.org)
  • Those who have agraphia with nonfluent aphasia can write brief sentences but their writing is difficult to read. (wikipedia.org)
  • Agraphia is usually a symptom of aphasia. (mkexpress.net)
  • Broca's aphasia -also called nonfluent, expressive, or motor aphasia-primarily affects the ability to speak but often causes agraphia as well. (mkexpress.net)
  • Aphasic agraphia is aphasia with the same impairment pattern in both written and spoken language. (mkexpress.net)
  • Visuospatial or spatial agraphia is a deficit in visual-spatial analysis in the absence of aphasia. (mkexpress.net)
  • Eleni Sikelianos, Body Clock (Coffeehouse Press, 2008), 149 pp., $18.00 -As a project that began out of the trauma of temporary agraphia and aphasia, Body Clock is the eight-part "record" of Sikelianos' "return" to language, a journey marked here by the coming to "human" of her newborn. (jacket2.org)
  • Neurological examination revealed mild acalculia and agraphia. (bvsalud.org)
  • Agraphia or impairment in producing written language can occur in many ways and many forms because writing involves many cognitive processes (language processing, spelling, visual perception, visuospatial orientation for graphic symbols, motor planning, and motor control of handwriting). (wikipedia.org)
  • Gerstmann syndrome agraphia is the impairment of written language production associated with the following structural symptoms: difficulty discriminating between one's own fingers, difficulty distinguishing left from right, and difficulty performing calculations. (wikipedia.org)
  • Although it usually refers to a complete inability to write, "agraphia" is sometimes used interchangeably with "dysgraphia," an impairment in writing ability and/or the inability to spell when writing. (mkexpress.net)
  • Pure agraphia is writing impairment in the absence of any other language disorder. (mkexpress.net)
  • Frontal agraphia is a writing impairment caused by a disorder in the frontal lobe. (mkexpress.net)
  • Apraxic agraphia is an impairment of motor coordination involved in writing, in the absence of other motor or language impairments, and intact spelling ability. (mkexpress.net)
  • Acquired agraphia or acquired dysgraphia is the loss of writing ability following brain damage or degeneration. (mkexpress.net)
  • Handwriting problems (dysgraphia and agraphia). (teachade.com)
  • Deep agraphia affects an individual's phonological ability and orthographic memory. (wikipedia.org)
  • Agraphia is an acquired neurological disorder causing a loss in the ability to communicate through writing, either due to some form of motor dysfunction or an inability to spell. (wikipedia.org)
  • Many aphasias are combinations of neurological deficits, including agraphia, that do not fit a specific classification. (mkexpress.net)
  • Agraphia is the inability to write due to either a learning disability or damage to or degeneration of specific regions of the brain. (mkexpress.net)
  • Agraphia - inability to express thoughts in writing. (casperdetoledo.com)
  • Global agraphia also impairs an individual's orthographic memory although to a greater extent than deep agraphia. (wikipedia.org)
  • It often causes agraphia (loss of the ability to write) and impairs oral reading. (msdmanuals.com)
  • Agraphia has two main subgroupings: central ("aphasic") agraphia and peripheral ("nonaphasic") agraphia. (wikipedia.org)
  • Central agraphia occurs when there are both impairments in spoken language and impairments to the various motor and visualization skills involved in writing. (wikipedia.org)
  • This form of agraphia does not impair spoken language. (wikipedia.org)
  • Agraphia is one of the four deficits that define a rare disorder known as Gerstmann syndrome. (mkexpress.net)
  • These techniques differ depending on the type of agraphia. (wikipedia.org)
  • Physical examination showed agraphia differ in their ecology, epidemiology, and pathobiology. (cdc.gov)
  • There is a regularity effect associated with lexical agraphia in that individuals are less likely to correctly spell words without regular, predictable spellings. (wikipedia.org)
  • Writing is fluent but has many errors and tends to lack substantive words (fluent agraphia). (msdmanuals.com)
  • Agraphia can be broadly divided into central and peripheral categories. (wikipedia.org)
  • The study of individuals with agraphia may provide more information about the pathways involved in writing, both language related and motoric. (wikipedia.org)
  • peripheral agraphia may also be called nonaphasic agraphia as it involves areas of the brain whose functions are not directly connected to language and writing (typically motor areas). (wikipedia.org)
  • Apart from the temple milieus, the population no longer had a form of writing its primary language at its disposal, and from the first century found itself in a situation of collective "agraphia," condemned to having to make use of Greek for its written communication. (languagehat.com)
  • Therefore, agraphia can result from damage to different brain regions. (mkexpress.net)
  • What causes Alexia without agraphia? (wazeesupperclub.com)
  • Most cases of alexia without agraphia are due to cerebrovascular accidents from thromobotic or thromboembolic disease involving the left posterior cerebral artery (PCA), which results in an infarct of the left occipital cortex and the splenium of the corpus callosum. (wazeesupperclub.com)
  • The dysgraphia or agraphia is a medical concept that refers to the complete or partial inability to express ideas through writing. (gradphysics.com)
  • Handwriting difficulties can be caused by arthritis of hand joints, injury to the index finger, genetic, Dysgraphia or Agraphia. (indexpen.store)
  • In addition to the aforementioned classifications, it would also be necessary to talk about what is known as afferent agraphia. (gradphysics.com)
  • Agraphia is an acquired neurological disorder causing a loss in the ability to communicate through writing, either due to some form of motor dysfunction or an inability to spell. (wikipedia.org)
  • Gerstmann syndrome is a neuropsychological disorder characterized by the tetrad of agraphia (inability to write), acalculia (inability to perform mathematical calculations), finger agnosia (inability to name, discriminate, or identify fingers), and left-right disorientation (inability to distinguish left from right). (eyewiki.org)
  • Agraphia is the inability to write with the hand what one wants to or is told to write. (eyewiki.org)
  • Chapman, 1919): NOTE(TAX: Uromyias agraphia was assigned to Anairetes (Roy et al. (birdphotos.com)
  • The classic symptoms include alexia with agraphia, constructional disturbances with or without Gerstmann's tetrad and behavioural manifestations such as depression, poor memory, frustration and belligerence. (wazeesupperclub.com)
  • So, with upper temporal agraphia, the letter disintegrates as a result of the loss of the ability to sound-letter analysis of the word, which loses its constancy of sound. (englopedia.com)
  • Ictal multicomponent agraphia in left temporal lobe epilepsy: a rarely captured seizure semiology. (kumc.edu)
  • Writing is fluent but has many errors and tends to lack substantive words (fluent agraphia). (msdmanuals.com)
  • Central agraphia occurs when there are both impairments in spoken language and impairments to the various motor and visualization skills involved in writing. (wikipedia.org)
  • Afferent motor agraphia occurs, in which the ability to write dictation and independently is lost. (englopedia.com)
  • It should be borne in mind that agraphia is a disability of variable scope that does not allow those who suffer from it to make their thoughts, ideas, processes or sequences known in writing, although they can express them with the spoken word. (gradphysics.com)
  • peripheral agraphia may also be called nonaphasic agraphia as it involves areas of the brain whose functions are not directly connected to language and writing (typically motor areas). (wikipedia.org)
  • There are several types of agraphia that are classified mainly according to the area of ​​the brain that is affected and therefore causes them. (gradphysics.com)
  • Tesak and Code, 2008), less well known are his ideas on how the brain processes music, which were informed by his clinical observations of music agraphia and motor amusia. (medscape.com)
  • An illness or injury that affects the areas of the brain that are involved in the writing process could lead to agraphia. (wazeesupperclub.com)
  • Agraphia ("a" - absence, "grapho" - I write) - complete lack of formation or loss of writing skills. (englopedia.com)
  • The Right to Write: EEG Neurofeedback Training in Frontal Lobe Agraphia-A Case Report. (christuniversity.in)
  • Deep agraphia affects an individual's phonological ability and orthographic memory. (wikipedia.org)
  • Individuals who have Alexia with agraphia have difficulty with both the production and comprehension of written language. (wikipedia.org)
  • This form of agraphia does not impair spoken language. (wikipedia.org)
  • Agraphia is the term that we have ahead to define then we find that it has its origin in the Greek. (gradphysics.com)
  • The term "agraphia" was introduced by the British ophthalmologist D. Ginshelwood, who described it at the beginning of the twentieth century. (englopedia.com)
  • Some authorities use this term interchangeably with Agraphia and some do not. (nih.gov)
  • Specifically, for example, the last type of agraphia cited is the one that brings with it that the patient does not have any type of problem when "writing" with the keyboard of a computer but who does have difficulties doing the same with a pencil or a pen. (gradphysics.com)
  • Agraphia is the gross disorganization of written speech, leading to the impossibility of implementing the act of writing . (englopedia.com)
  • Pure agraphia and unilateral optic ataxia associated with a left superior parietal lobule lesion. (psych.ac.cn)
  • Deep agraphia is often the result of a lesion involving the left parietal region (supramarginal gyrus or insula). (wikipedia.org)
  • So to help me with the daily grind, on January 1, I started an agraphia (fear of writing) group on Facebook. (chronicle.com)
  • Currently, in practical speech therapy, it is customary to distinguish a partial violation of writing - dysgraphia and a complete loss of skill - agraphia. (englopedia.com)