A plant genus of the family ARACEAE. The common names of 'Coco Yam' (Cocoyam) or 'Elephant's Ear' may be confused with COLOCASIA and other ARACEAE or with common yam (DIOSCOREA). It contains LECTINS.

An efficient in vitro propagation protocol of cocoyam [Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L) Schott]. (1/1)


"Xanthosoma" is a term that refers to a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, commonly known as "aroid" or "cocoyam" plants. These herbaceous perennials are native to tropical regions of the Americas and are grown for their edible corn-like corms and leaves. The name "Xanthosoma" is derived from Greek words "xanthos," meaning yellow, and "soma," meaning body, which refers to the yellowish sap present in some species.

However, it seems that you may have been looking for a medical definition related to the term "xanthosoma." In fact, there is no widely recognized medical term specifically associated with "xanthosoma." The closest medical term might be "xanthelasma," which refers to yellowish patches or plaques that form around the eyelids due to cholesterol deposits. Despite sharing a similar root word, xanthelasma and Xanthosoma are unrelated in their meanings and applications.

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