Formação cirúrgica de uma abertura no DUODENO.

Duodenostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening (stoma) between the duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine, and the abdominal wall. This procedure is typically performed to divert the flow of digestive secretions and contents away from a diseased or damaged portion of the gastrointestinal tract.

Duodenostomy may be recommended in cases where there is an obstruction, inflammation, or infection in the duodenum or other parts of the small intestine that cannot be treated through medication or endoscopic procedures. The stoma created during a duodenostomy allows for the passage of digestive secretions and contents into a surgical drainage bag, which can help promote healing and reduce the risk of complications such as infection or perforation.

Like any surgical procedure, duodenostomy carries risks such as bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues. The specific risks and benefits of this procedure will depend on a variety of factors, including the patient's overall health, the underlying medical condition being treated, and the experience and skill of the surgeon performing the procedure.

Duodenostomia (duodeno) Jejunostomia (jejuno, metade inicial do intestino delgado) Ileostomia (íleo, metade distal do intestino ...

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