Registro da amplitude média do potencial de repouso, começando entre a córnea e a retina, nas adaptações dos olhos à luz e ao escuridão, à medida que os olhos alternam uma distância padrão para a direita e esquerda. O aumento no potencial com adaptação à luz é usado para avaliar a condição do pigmento retinal do epitélio .

Electrooculography (EOG) is a medical technique used to measure the resting potential of the eye and the small electrical changes that occur when the eyes move. It involves placing electrodes near the eyes to detect these tiny electrical signals, which can then be used to infer information about eye movements and position.

EOG is often used in research settings to study eye movement control and related neurological conditions, and it can also have clinical applications in diagnosing and monitoring certain disorders, such as some types of ocular motility dysfunction and brainstem death. However, it has largely been replaced by video-based eye tracking methods for many applications due to their greater ease of use and higher spatial resolution.

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