En division (levermossor) inom växtriket. Växterna är enkla, saknar kärlvävnad och har rudimentära rotliknande organ (rhizoider). Precis som mossor har levermossor generationsväxlingar mellan haploida, könscellbärande former (gametofyter) och diploida, sporbärande former (sporofyter).

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Hepatophyta" is not a widely accepted or currently used medical or scientific term to describe a particular group of organisms or a medical condition. The term "Hepaticae" has been used in the past to refer to a division of non-vascular plants that include liverworts, but it is no longer in common use.

If you have any questions about liver diseases or other medical conditions affecting the liver, I would be happy to help provide information based on valid and established medical terminology and concepts.