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The Widal test is widely used in hospitals in Bhutan for diagnosis of typhoid fever. (gov.bt)

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It is highly unlikely that a diagnosis of typhoid (enteric fever) or any other salmonellosis can be made solely on the basis of a Widal test done on day 2 of a fever in a vaccinated child, and should ideally be based on the isolation of the organisms either from the blood (in the early stage), urine or faeces (later on in the illness). (ndtv.com)

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Clinical diagnosis is difficult during the early stages of the disease, when it may be confused with many other common febrile illnesses, such as dengue fever, malaria, typhoid, and viral hepatitis. (asm.org)

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Symptoms usually take 5-15 days to develop and include fever, headache, vomiting, confusion, and difficulty moving. (smartparenting.com.ph)

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The Widal test is done by a General Physician to the mainstay of typhoid fever diagnosis for decades. It is used to measure agglutinating antibodies against H and O antigens of S typhi. Neither sensitive nor specific, the Widal test is no longer an acceptable clinical method.

A diagnosis of typhoid fever can usually be confirmed by a General Physician analyzing samples of blood, poo (stools) or pee (urine). These will be examined under a microscope for the Salmonella typhi bacteria that cause the condition.

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