• Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the neck including thyroid, parathyroid, parotid and other salivary glands, lymph nodes, cysts, etc. is coded as CPT® 76536. (vdocument.in)
  • It also separates the sublingual space (and oral cavity ) from the submandibular space . (radiopaedia.org)
  • The sublingual space communicates posteriorly around the posterior free border of the mylohyoid muscle with the submandibular space. (wikipedia.org)
  • Its boundaries are: the mucosa of the floor of mouth and the tongue superiorly the mylohyoid muscle inferiorly the medial surface of the mandible anterolaterally the muscles along the base of the tongue (geniohyoid and genioglossus muscles) posteriorly medially, the intrinsic muscles of the tongue and genioglossus separate the two halves of the sublingual space. (wikipedia.org)
  • Infections of the sublingual space may also erode through the mylohyoid, or spread via the lymphatics to the submandibular and submental spaces. (wikipedia.org)
  • A periapical abscess may spread into the sublingual space if the apex of the tooth is above the level of attachment of mylohyoid, and the infection erodes through the lingual cortical plate of the mandible. (wikipedia.org)
  • Submandibular fossa: for submandibular gland, below mylohyoid line 6. (slideshare.net)
  • Imaging of the mylohyoid muscle: separation of submandibular and sublingual spaces. (radiopaedia.org)
  • Signs and symptoms of a sublingual space infection might include a firm, painful swelling in the anterior part of the floor of the mouth. (wikipedia.org)
  • Imaging the floor of the mouth and the sublingual space. (radiopaedia.org)
  • The sublingual space contains: a number of blood vessels and nerves, e.g. the lingual artery and nerve, the hypoglossal nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve. (wikipedia.org)
  • Incision of the plica itself can result in a ranula, or an incision placed medial to the plica can damage Wharton's duct, the sublingual artery and veins and the lingual nerve. (wikipedia.org)
  • The sublingual space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces). (wikipedia.org)
  • Ludwig's angina is a serious infection involving the submandibular, sublingual and submental spaces bilaterally. (wikipedia.org)
  • Collectively, the submandibular, sublingual and submental spaces are sometimes termed the perimandibular spaces, or the submaxillary space. (wikipedia.org)
  • The sublingual space is V-shaped, with the apex pointing to the anterior. (wikipedia.org)
  • Although not as frequent as sialadenitis of the parotid gland, it represents an important area of clinical relevance to the otolaryngologist and other specialists. (medscape.com)
  • However, upon stimulation, the dominance in saliva production shifts to the parotid gland. (microbiologynote.com)
  • The duct of the submandibular gland, also known as the Wharton duct, exits the gland from the deep lobe, passing through the floor of the mouth, and opening in close proximity to the lingual frenulum. (medscape.com)
  • The primary excretory duct of this gland, known as the Wharton duct, culminates in the oral cavity at the sublingual caruncle. (microbiologynote.com)
  • The gland itself can be arbitrarily divided into superficial and deep lobes based on its relationship to the mylohyoid muscle, the former lying superficial to the muscle, and the latter wrapping around the posterior aspect of the muscle. (medscape.com)
  • Collectively, the submandibular, sublingual and submental spaces are sometimes termed the perimandibular spaces, or the submaxillary space. (wikipedia.org)
  • Historically referred to as the submaxillary glands, these paired glands have dimensions with an average length of 27 mm and a width of approximately 14.3 mm in adult humans. (microbiologynote.com)
  • This gland, in its anatomical context, is bilaterally located within the submandibular triangle, with each gland weighing around 15 grams in adult humans. (microbiologynote.com)
  • Situated within the anterior region of the submandibular triangle, the submandibular gland occupies a distinct anatomical position. (microbiologynote.com)
  • A periapical abscess may spread into the sublingual space if the apex of the tooth is above the level of attachment of mylohyoid, and the infection erodes through the lingual cortical plate of the mandible. (wikipedia.org)
  • A sublingual abscess may elevate the tongue and cause drooling or dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). (wikipedia.org)
  • Its boundaries are: the mucosa of the floor of mouth and the tongue superiorly the mylohyoid muscle inferiorly the medial surface of the mandible anterolaterally the muscles along the base of the tongue (geniohyoid and genioglossus muscles) posteriorly medially, the intrinsic muscles of the tongue and genioglossus separate the two halves of the sublingual space. (wikipedia.org)
  • The sublingual space communicates posteriorly around the posterior free border of the mylohyoid muscle with the submandibular space. (wikipedia.org)
  • In terms of its structural intricacies, the submandibular gland is bifurcated into superficial and deep lobes, separated by the mylohyoid muscle . (microbiologynote.com)
  • These arms are strategically positioned in relation to the mylohyoid muscle, which the gland encircles. (microbiologynote.com)
  • This segment of the gland hooks around the posterior margin of the mylohyoid muscle, entering the oral cavity through a triangular aperture. (microbiologynote.com)
  • This lobe encompasses the majority of the gland, with the mylohyoid muscle running beneath it. (microbiologynote.com)
  • Incision of the plica itself can result in a ranula, or an incision placed medial to the plica can damage Wharton's duct, the sublingual artery and veins and the lingual nerve. (wikipedia.org)
  • The sublingual space contains: a number of blood vessels and nerves, e.g. the lingual artery and nerve, the hypoglossal nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve. (wikipedia.org)
  • The fluid component of the saliva is derived from the perfusing blood vessels in proximity to the gland, while the macromolecular composition is derived from secretory granules within the acinar cells. (medscape.com)
  • It consists of a framework of cartilages that are held together by extrinsic and intrinsic musculature and lined with a mucous membrane that is topographically arranged into two characteristic folds (the false and true vocal cords). (medscape.com)
  • The sublingual space is a fascial space of the head and neck (sometimes also termed fascial spaces or tissue spaces). (wikipedia.org)
  • Signs and symptoms of a sublingual space infection might include a firm, painful swelling in the anterior part of the floor of the mouth. (wikipedia.org)
  • Postsynaptic fibers extend from the ganglion to the gland itself. (medscape.com)
  • the deep part of the submandibular gland and the submandibular duct (Wharton's duct) some extrinsic tongue muscle fibers. (wikipedia.org)
  • Comprising a pair of elongated, flattened hooks, the gland is bifurcated into two distinct arms: superficial and deep. (microbiologynote.com)
  • Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects multiple organs in the body, but mostly the lungs and lymph glands. (kayawell.com)